There are many different types of Psychic abilities. That means they are more common than you might think!
Some of us possess a natural ability to feel things that others can't. Other people may need help from an experienced psychic or medium who can connect them with their loved ones and provide guidance in this life.
Whether you're looking for answers or want to understand the world better, there are ways to explore your psychic gifts – many of which don't require leaving your living room!

Clairvoyance - the ability to see things beyond ordinary sight. It is a form of extrasensory perception where you can absorb information beyond the sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
It's often described as a "sixth sense" or a "second sight."
Some people see images or symbols in their mind's eye that have meaning or significance. Others may need to work on developing their clairvoyants through practice and study.
Clairvoyance can take many forms, from seeing visions or symbols to having a feeling of knowing something without being told.
Claircognizance is to know something without knowing how. This is a form of divination. And is often thought of as "clear knowing." It's used in various ways, such as predicting events before they happen. You can also use it to learn about someone or yourself.
A person with this ability might say things like, "I just knew that I would find that money under my bed!" or "I don't know how, but I just knew it was going to rain today."

Clairaudience makes you able to hear things that are not audible to the average human ear. This can include voices, whispers, or sounds from another time and place (past or future). Spirits often call upon clairaudient people; others may experience clairaudience as a form of divine communication.
Clairaudience makes you able to hear things that are not audible to the average human ear. This can include voices, whispers, or sounds from another time and place (past or future). Spirits often call upon clairaudient people; others may experience clairaudience as a form of divine communication.
It's important to note that this is not just the ability to hear what other people say in your head—it should be understood as an actual sense. You can see how this would be helpful when talking with ghosts or spirits – they don't have a physical body, so they need ways of talking!
If you've ever had a feeling you couldn't quite explain, a feeling that seemed to come from nowhere? Well, that is what we call clairsentience - and being clairsentient is a unique way to feel things beyond the ordinary senses.
Some people have a natural gift for clairsentience, which allows them to pick up on the emotions and energies of others and the emotional power of a place or object. As a result, they may feel physical sensations connected to a particular event or person, even if that event or person is not physically present.
This form of intuition and can be a powerful for understanding and navigating the world around us. So, next time you have a gut feeling or a sudden physical sensation, listen to it - it may be your clairsentience at work!
Have you ever felt you could talk to people without using your voice or any other physical means? Well, that is what we call telepathy.
It is a form of extrasensory perception. We all have the potential to tap into telepathic powers, although some people may be more naturally gifted in this area.
This power can manifest in many ways, from simply perceiving what someone is thinking or feeling to transmitting and receiving specific thoughts or messages. It is a mysterious and fascinating ability that has captured people's imaginations for centuries.
So next time you feel like someone is trying to communicate with you, pay attention - it may be your telepathic abilities at work!
Precognitive dreams
Have you ever had a dream that seemed to come true later on? Well, that is what we call a precognitive dream - a dream that provides insight or information about future events.
Precognitive dreams are a form of extrasensory perception. Using dreams, you can learn new information. They can be challenging to understand and interpret, as they appear symbolic or metaphorical. You could even use them as a psychic reading. Often psychic readers do.

Some people believe that precognitive dreams are messages from a higher power or the universe, while others believe they manifest our unconscious minds. Whatever their source, precognitive dreams can be a powerful and mysterious and has fascinated people for centuries.
Pay attention to significant dreams. And use a dream journal if you can.
Have you ever held an object and felt you could feel something about its history or the person who owned it? That's what we call psychometry... or reading the energy of an object. Once you do, you gain information about its past or owner.
It is a form of extrasensory perception, and it is believed that all objects hold energy and if you have this ability you can interpret the energy.
Some people are naturally more skilled at psychometry than others and may be able to detect details about an object's history or the emotions of its previous owners. Others may need to hold the thing or be close for it to work.
Astral Projection
Astral projection allows you to leave your physical body and travel to other places or dimensions. When you do, you separate your consciousness from the physical body and travel in a non-physical form.
Astral projection is a particular type of out-of-body experience or OBE.
It's often described as floating or soaring above one's physical body. Some people believe that we all can astral project and that it is a natural part of our human powers. Others view it as a spiritual or paranormal phenomenon. It is a part of our human skills and can be created by practice.
How you practice, though, varies. People use many different techniques and practices to induce astral projection. Some of the more common (and easily accessible) are meditation, visualization, and lucid dreaming.
Projection can be a powerful and transformative and has captured people's imaginations for centuries.

Aura Reading
Aura reading is the art of seeing and interpreting auras, which is energy that surround all living things. An aura has seven layers, each with a different color and meaning.
The first layer is closest to the body and contains personal energy (such as feelings or karma). The outermost layer consists of universal energies (like the Earth's magnetic field or your higher self).
You can tap into the energy and cleanse your aura by meditating or doing yoga or protect it with crystals such as rose quartz or amethyst.
You can clear someone else's aura using an object such as a wand made from crystal quartz that's been cleansed with water before each use.
You might also try reading their chakras—the centers where their energy flows out into the world—to see what kind of help they need to heal themselves emotionally or spiritually (and thus improve their health physically). If something is bothering them in particular (an illness), it might show up as dark patches on one part of their body instead.
Mediumship allows you to communicate with the spirit world. Mediums talk with the spirit world in a variety of different ways. The most common method is telepathy, which can be defined as an exchange of thoughts and ideas between two people without using language. Others may use clairvoyance—to be able to see things that others cannot see—or clairsentience to feel things about another person, such as their emotions or thoughts.
Many can also feel physical sensations when speaking with spirits; for example, I once felt a hand graze my shoulder while meditating and saw a figure beside me in a mirror before waking up from my trance.
While some mediums will use these physical sensations as evidence that they have psychic abilities, others believe these are merely symbolic representations of what's happening on another plane.
Aura Clearing
Aura Clearing may not spring to the front of your mind as a psychic ability. But it is vital for all of your abilities.
The aura - the energy field that surrounds the human body. Aura clearing balances this energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The aura is believed to be made of various layers or bands of energy. Each band corresponds to a different aspect of our being. When these layers are out of balance or blocked by negative emotions, it can lead to physical or emotional problems.
Aura clearing is a way to cleanse and revitalize the aura, helping to remove any negative or stagnant energy and restore balance to the system. There are many techniques for aura clearing, such as energy healing, crystal therapy, and sound healing.
It's vital because it is the process of removing negative energy from your body and aura. You can do this at home with candles, crystals, and other tools. But for particularly nasty smut, you may need a professional. The best part about Aura Clearing? It doesn't require any religious beliefs or practices to succeed!
Channel Reading
Channel Reading is the practice of allowing a higher consciousness or spirit to speak through you. These spirits can act as a guide or warn you of things to come.
You act as a conduit or channel for information or messages from a higher source.
Channel reading can take many forms, from simply allowing oneself to be open to receiving messages or guidance. Or to actively invite a specific entity or consciousness to talk through you.
The messages and information received through channel reading are often considered divinely inspired or of a higher vibration.
Some people are naturally gifted at channel reading and quickly connect with and receive messages from higher consciousness. Others may need to develop their channeling skills through practice and study.
We are all intuitive beings and can use our powers to help others.
We all have psychic abilities, whether we know them or not. Psychic powers are a natural part of being a human; many people have had one at some time.
Psychics do not "see dead people" or predict the future—they receive information telepathically from their intuition.
Psychic abilities can be learned by anyone who wants to develop this skill set; however, there is no guarantee that every person will learn how to use them effectively or even at all!
Some people are better suited than others because they have more experience with such things; however, with enough practice, anyone can become proficient enough to help others!
The world is a beautiful place, and we are all so lucky to be here. Our spiritual connection is what makes life worth living.