Every zodiac sign has a ruling planet that shapes the traits of those born under that sign. Gaining insight into your planetary ruler can help uncover what makes you unique.
There are a lot of planets in astrology that are considered crucial for those born under certain star signs, but one of the most important aspects of your birth chart is often overlooked by horoscope readers: your ruling planet.
As it turns out, this is a critical piece of information that's relevant to the life path you're likely to choose, but it can also provide valuable intel for finding your ideal partner.
What Your Ruler Planet Says About You
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mars - a fiery planet with a fiery energy that emanates from within. This fiery sign possesses the courage and determination of a warrior and tends to be confident and daring.
They tend to be impulsive and spontaneous, yet possess great self-awareness and strong values. This makes them ideal partners for those who share their enthusiasm for adventure and independence.

Your star sign's ruling planet has profoundly affected your personality and strengths from day one. If you are Taurus, Venus (the goddess of love) rules everything you do--from aesthetic appreciation to artistic sensibility.
As one might expect, Venus grants us the pleasures of luxury (think: a credit card) and romance (think: Tinder). Additionally, her sweet, sensual aura encourages us to indulge in self-indulgence and the physical pleasures of this world.
Mercury, the planet of communication, rules Geminis. They possess an inquisitive nature and enjoy learning new things.
They have a reputation for being highly adaptable and unpredictable, often having difficulty deciding what to say or do.
When it comes to love, people can be quite deceitful. One may be extremely open and truthful in one relationship, then act like an entirely different person in another.
They may not be afraid to end a relationship, but they usually wait for their partner to do it first. This way, they won't feel like a victim and won't have to confront the truth about their emotions.
Jupiter rules your destiny, bestowing good luck and increasing your likeability. As such, you possess a charismatic nature with the drive to lead and be at the center of things.
Your astrological superpowers don't stop there. As an intuitive mediator, you value fairness and truthfulness above all else, ensuring your relationships are strong and long-lasting.
Your ruling planet Mars is the fiery, dynamic warrior of your sign. Leos gives you the motivation and drive to achieve your objectives and encourages you to become a leader in your field.
Your tendency to be critical of yourself can sometimes mask a generous and tolerant side. Your leadership skillset shines through as you guide others towards a shared goal.
A Virgo's ruler is Mercury, who governs logic, reasoning, and productivity. This gives analytical Virgos an aptitude for grasping ideas and plans before successfully carrying them out.
Venus, your ruling planet, embodies a relationship-focused energy that makes you an ideal friend, partner, or lover. Your appreciation of harmony, beauty, and quality also makes you an adept mediator; while appreciating fairness and honesty, you strive to protect those close to you from harm.
Libras often struggle to balance the needs of their friends and family, but this can be easier done when they prioritize self-care and love for themselves.
Furthermore, Libras must learn to accept that certain friendships or relationships won't last forever - especially when Uranus, the mutable ruler of Libra, moves through their money sector (connected to shared resources), especially during this time of year, forcing them to consider new ways of saving and investing.
Pluto, the planet of regeneration and transformation, guides Scorpios. Named for the ancient god of the underworld, this small but powerful globe is deeply connected to themes like rebirth and death.
Scorpios don't fear darkness, pain, or death -- rather, these dark truths help you appreciate life's splendor. Your mind is a maze of layers and levels within yourself, and you're not afraid to explore all of it.
The ruling planet of Pisces is traditionally Jupiter, representing expansion, growth, spirituality, and higher learning. Pisces is associated with creativity, imagination, intuition, and empathy, all aligned with Jupiter's expansive nature.
In modern astrology, some astrologers also assign Neptune as a co-ruler of Pisces. Neptune is associated with dreams, illusions, and inspiration, which aligns with Pisces' sensitivity and mystical tendencies.
Sagittarius, your planet Jupiter rules over you and brings good fortune and popularity. Additionally, this combination of planets also grants you empathy with others and charisma to draw them towards you.
The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn. Capricorns are hardworking, goal-oriented, and determined. They take the time to plan their routes, prioritize tasks, and maintain control of their calendars and schedules.
Regarding relationships, Caps value the privacy and intimacy of a genuine connection. They avoid public displays of affection that don't stem from an honest place of stability and truthfulness.
Uranus, the planet of innovation and surprise events, rules Aquarius. This cosmic combination can enhance your unique outlook and creative vision for life.
Aquarius is a fixed sign, capable of persevering despite obstacles and challenges. But they may become so focused on reaching lofty goals that they neglect those around them, leading them to appear distant or uncaring.

What Planet Rules Each Day of the Week?
Astrology dictates that a different planet rules each day of the week: Sunday by the Sun, Monday by Moon, Tuesday by Mars, Wednesday by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter, Friday by Venus, and Saturday by Saturn. Each planet orbits around the Sun once weekly to complete a day and night cycle.
Each of these planets carries its energy, and by aligning yourself with it, you can make the most of your week. So let's get started!
The Sun is the primary light source on Earth and provides us with all our energy. Without it, life on earth would not be possible. Additionally, the Sun creates our planet's atmosphere - that which we breathe - and water on both land and oceans.
On Mondays, the Sun is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit. This causes a brief but intense summer for those in the southern hemisphere.
The northern hemisphere experiences a long, mild summer; however, this is only relative as the southern hemisphere is closer to the sun than its northern counterpart.
Mercury rules Wednesday - an excellent day for communication tasks such as sending emails, talking on the phone, or meeting with someone.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System, measuring 142,984km long and 11 Earths across at its equator.
Its magnetic field extends up to tens of thousands of kilometers above the clouds, creating the strongest magnetosphere in our System.
As one might expect, it experiences plenty of stormy weather. The turbulence and winds that blow across its atmosphere create havoc in multiple layers.
It is known as "Earth's twin," a bright and beautiful planet with an atmosphere almost as hot as the Sun's surface. Though similar in size and structure to Earth, It stands apart for several reasons.
One of the most striking distinctions between Earth and Venus is that Venus spins on its axis in the opposite direction to most other planets. This anomaly is thought to have been caused by a collision earlier in Venus' history.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun known for its stunning rings. Being so close to Earth, you can easily spot Saturn with your naked eye.
Saturn can be a cruel taskmaster, demanding our endurance and resolve to face our fears and overcome difficulties.
Frequently ask Questions
How to Tell Your Zodiac Sign?
The first thing you need to know about your sign is that it’s actually the ruling planet that influences your zodiac sign, meaning that this single element directly affects your personality and your life. Astrology is based on the placement of planets in the heavens when you were born, called your “natal chart” or chart ruler.
Sun is the planet or constellation you’re most familiar with—the sun is the brightest part of the sky when you were born and represents how you project yourself to the world.

What is the ruling planet of 2023?
The astrological year 2023 starts with Venus in Leo, her usual home sign. The planet of love, beauty, and luxury is here for a long time, from June 5 to October 8, which could bring you the most passionate summer lovin' in years!
Then Venus retrogrades in Leo from July 22 to September 3. While this cycle happens every 18 months, it will put the brakes on your heart's desire and force you to reflect.
In the solar system, the planets are the heart of astrology, and understanding what your ruling planet says about you is a key element to deepening your cosmic journey. A different planet influences every sign, and the one that rules your ascendant sign (your rising sign) significantly influences you throughout your life.
Regardless of your ruling planet, it is important to remember that it is only one part of your identity. Your ruling planet can offer insight into your personality traits and how you interact with the world, but ultimately, you are in control of who you become and how you choose to live your life.
By understanding the influence of your ruling planet, you can gain an appreciation for the unique and special qualities that make you who you are.