Every sign has its unique charm; sometimes, those signs just don't mesh together. Some matches just don't click - so let's figure out what's best for you together.
Thankfully, we can always rely on the stars to help us decide who would make an ideal partner. So without further ado, let's look at the terrible zodiac matches for each sign.
1. Taurus and Leo
These signs do not make for a romantic match. These signs can be obstinate and arrogant when not balanced, so they often argue over trivial matters, such as where they eat dinner or what they do for fun.
When paired, they tend to be extremely stubborn and fight tooth and nail to win an argument. Therefore, they must try to understand each other and communicate effectively.
Egos clash in these relationships and if both parties fail to control their egos.

Although making this relationship work requires dedication from both sides; however, with enough effort, both can achieve success.
2. Sagittarius and Virgo
Virgo and Sagittarius are mutable signs, meaning they are inquisitive and crave knowledge. This makes for a great relationship as there will always be topics of conversation between the two of them, and they can learn a great deal from one another.
However, both Virgo and Sagittarius can struggle with expressing their emotions accurately. Virgo tends to be quite analytical and needs to process everything with their mind, while Sagittarius tends to be more outspoken about their feelings.
Ultimately, a Sagittarius-Virgo relationship may experience some bumps along the way. Both partners need to strengthen their emotional intelligence and find an honest way of expressing their feelings. Doing this will enable these two to overcome their differences and forge a lasting connection. It may take some effort on both sides, but ultimately it's worth all of it in the end.
3. Capricorn and Pisces
Pisces and Capricorn take different approaches to life. The practical sea goat stays organized and focused on its goals, while the dreamy fish takes a more relaxed approach.
Relationships can become challenging when this mutable pair clashes. The earth sign likes structure, while Pisces may struggle with accommodating them.
When stubborn Capricorns refuse to accept changes or innovations in their plans, they may become quite grumpy.
Thankfully, this zodiac couple understands each other's needs and can work through these difficulties together. Additionally, they possess an unbreakable love and support for one another that ensures they remain together throughout life's ups and downs - guaranteeing they stay together for the long run.
4. Aquarius and Cancer
Cancer is a water sign that requires extensive emotional support. They're highly sensitive and need to feel validated, especially when feeling low.
On the other hand, Aquarius tends to be more analytical and less emotional. This makes them difficult to get to know at first, according to celebrity astrologer Inbaal Honigman.
If these signs can work out their differences, they'll be able to foster an emotionally supportive friendship that lasts. On the contrary, if not, their relationship will likely fail.
5. Leo and Virgo
Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, symbolizes pride, generosity, and freedom of spirit. Their natural leadership skills and self-assurance make them ideal partners for those willing to take control of their futures.
Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, embodies characteristics such as hard work ethic, discipline, and practicality. They possess an unusual propensity for serving others - something unique to this sign of the Maiden.
Both signs can have an enthralling relationship due to their shared desire for adventure. Unfortunately, their conflicting attitudes toward fun and structure may lead to issues in the long run.
6. Libra and Aquarius
These signs possess great potential yet may not make the ideal match. These two are complete opposites in every way, which could prove problematic if they cannot learn to compromise effectively.
According to Desiree Roby Antila's Sun Signs in Love book, Libra values togetherness, while Aquarius cherishes freedom. This dynamic could cause tensions within their relationship.
Antila notes that when people find it difficult to decide what they want to do in a relationship, it could cause confusion and ultimately lead to dissolution.
Luckily, both signs possess impressive intellectual capacities that help them quickly settle differences. Furthermore, both are highly attentive regarding long-term commitments and possess an innate sense of fairness and generosity. With hard work put into their relationship, it could blossom into a strong one.
7. Sagittarius and Pisces
Sagittarius is a free-spirited sign who seeks out new experiences. However, this may not be suitable for Pisces, who values structure and order.
Both signs tend not to express their emotions honestly, which could cause major friction between the two at first, especially during the start of their relationship.
They may find it challenging to make commitments, as their ideas and beliefs often conflict. Unfortunately, this type of dynamic does not make for a lasting relationship.
You can read more about Pisces men here.
8. Capricorn and Virgo
Capricorn and Virgo are two of the zodiac's more practical, organized, and hardworking signs. Unfortunately, they often put love aside when their careers aren't going as planned, or their life doesn't appear to be in order.
However, they can form an incredible connection when these two Earth Signs meet. Both signs possess excellent communication skillsets that enable them to express their emotions, goals, and aspirations clearly and directly.
But to make their relationship last, they'll need to find ways of connecting that aren't competitive or time-consuming. Furthermore, they should regularly plan for their future together; otherwise, the relationship could crumble before it even starts.
9. Aquarius and Cancer
Cancers often exhibit broodiness and depression in their romantic relationships, so they may not appreciate Aquarius' lighter-hearted sense of humor.
Due to this, they may find it challenging to form an emotional connection with Aquarius and may become frustrated when it attempts to help them comprehend their feelings.
Cancer is a homebody seeking stability and security to feel contented. On the other hand, the other is modern and free-spirited - an explorer who wants to break free of tradition and live on their terms.

10. Libra and Leo
Unfortunately, Libra and Leo's relationships can also prove fickle; their passion can quickly wane, or something goes awry.
Their relationship may begin with excitement but quickly devolves into boredom and frustration. Libras aren't made for each other's fiery and passionate sex needs.
Leos often become frustrated with the passive-aggressive behavior of their Libra partners when they become too focused on themselves to notice subtle cues that their Libra partner may be distressed.
Therefore, they cannot trust one another. This could lead to jealousy and mistrust, making the relationship difficult.
11. Leo and Scorpio
If you're a Leo, chances are good that, at some point, your relationship with a Scorpio has taken an unpleasant turn. These two fire signs share many similarities and significant distinctions, which could potentially sour their affection.
These differences often stem from a lack of trust and the desire to keep things private. To have a lasting romance, these two must learn how to communicate effectively and collaborate to achieve what they desire in the long run.
A great starting point is understanding each other's individual needs and respecting them. This may be difficult for these two, particularly when their styles clash, but it's essential in the long run.
Both signs tend to be highly competitive and stubborn, which may make it difficult for them to compromise on important issues. Furthermore, these signs may exhibit intense jealousy, which could ultimately deteriorate their relationship in the long run.
They tend to be easily angered and resentful, leading to arguments that last too long. It's easier for them to blame others for their problems rather than take responsibility for their shortcomings.
The best way for zodiac signs to avoid these potential issues is to be open and honest with each other about their true feelings. Doing this will enable them to identify shared values and become truly compatible in the long run.
Though this process may be challenging and painful, it is the only way to truly love each other. While this may take a while, the effort will be worth it.
A harmonious relationship can be a grounding force, helping the fiery sign release its grip on past traumas and teaching them how to live in the moment.
If two people are dedicated to finding love, they can form an inspiring and passionate partnership. Their unique connection will serve as a source of motivation for both parties.
If you're a Scorpio searching for the ideal relationship, a Leo could be just what the doctor ordered. These two zodiac signs are made for each other but may not always be compatible with other signs.
12. Cancer and Aries
These signs make for one of the terrible zodiac matches. Their attitudes toward relationships are opposite, leading to an intense rift that cannot be bridged easily. Thankfully, these zodiacs can make their relationship work with hard work and mutual understanding.
Fire signs Aries and Cancer tend to be direct and blunt in their communication style, which may be off-putting for Cancer, who takes things personally. Aries also tend to be honest about what they want, which may confuse a Cancer who doesn't like being told what they want.
Aside from these physical differences, planetary aspects between the two can also impact their compatibility. These two have a square aspect in their astrology charts, creating tension between them.
This can challenge these two signs as they are both cardinal signs and instigators of action. But they could develop strong friendships if they can respect one another's emotions and approach life from an intuitive, thoughtful, and caring place.
Conversely, these two signs may not make ideal friends if Aries is too pushy or insensitive. This could cause the Cancer to feel threatened and driven away, which could prove devastatingly painful for them.
Aries is an assertive, ambitious sign, but they can also be quite impulsive and stubborn - leading Cancer to feel out of their comfort zone. Additionally, it tends to be overly competitive in relationships, often leading to fights or arguments.
Finally, Aries may be too rigid in their relationships and attempt to control their partners instead of seeking understanding. This can be disconcerting for Cancer, who desires freedom and unencumbrance within a partnership.
Both signs can make great partners if they put effort into communicating. Aries and Cancer make excellent friends too, but they must learn to put aside their competitive natures and prioritize their friendship over anything else. Furthermore, both signs should strive to develop patience and tolerance when building a relationship.
Frequently asked questions
What Qualities Make a Good Match?
When dating someone new, paying attention to how well they care for themselves is important. While some qualities can be apparent, others may need more direct discussion or questioning before you know whether a person is good for you as a long-term partner.
Taking great care of themselves is an easy way to tell that someone has their life together and is ready for a committed relationship.
What Qualities Make a Bad Match
The zodiac signs can reveal a lot about a person's personality, and if you are looking for love, you may want to consider your compatibility with other people in the same sign as you. This helps to understand if you are compatible with others regarding values, lifestyle choices (travel or location, for example), and how you communicate with your partner.
The terrible zodiac matches may be the most challenging relationships, but that doesn’t mean they can’t work out. It’s important to take the time to understand each other and the particular challenges and issues that arise from the particular zodiac signs involved. With this understanding, relationships can be strengthened and improved. Even terrible zodiac matches can be turned into something meaningful and lasting if both people are willing to work for it. With the right effort and understanding, terrible zodiac matches can still be successful and rewarding.